What I wore in 2019

Are you ready for this? It’s the round up, an official look back at what I wore in 2019, all the outfits, as recorded on FFG from Instagram to the blog. It’s a big one, so buckle up and get ready for a rather fashionable ride, if I do say so myself. There’s a lot to take in here. So, if you don’t have the time, let me give it to you in numbers. I’ll start with the one that’s most important to me. Some people collect cars, some people collect antiques… I collect clothes. So, please know that 95% of the clothing you see herewith was bought by me. There is a small percentage that was gifted over the course of the year, but I’m a stickler for what goes into my closet and stays there, so the majority of what you see on FFG has been carefully curated by me and paid for with my very own credit cards. When it comes time to retire, expect a big old auction of “the things I used to wear when I was once young.” Now, onto the bigger numbers….

In 365 outfits, over the calendar year of 2019 I wore…

120 Dresses (gulp!)

42 Sweaters

37 Coats

25 skirts

19 pairs of trousers

15 sets of separates (yes, I have become obsessed)

13 pairs of Jeans

6 Sequinned Ensembles

3 Bathing Suits

2 Pairs of Overalls

2 Jumpsuits

and 2 skirts that were bigger than me

I also, I would like to note, wore a pair of shoes that I designed (saved that picture for last down below).

The Top Ten Brands I wore the most in 2019 were:

  1. Ralph Lauren (no surprise there)
  2. Marks & Spencer
  3. ASOS
  4. Palmer Harding
  5. Zara
  6. American Eagle (wore their jeans like I lived in them)
  7. H&M
  8. John Lewis
  9. Mango
  10. Free People

Obviously I wore mostly dresses, but this year was a year of a trouser obsession. I feel back in love with denim and embraced wide legs and culottes like never before. But, you’re not here to read. You’re here for the picture evidence.

Without further ado…

A breakdown of the Outfits (all pictured below):


Let’s start by looking back at the dresses worn in 2019….

And now the skirts….

And there were a few trousers worn….

There were even a few cotton candy like moments…

And three bathing suit shots (Still can’t believe I shared these…not my usual stuff!)

And could you imagine a year without sequins?!

And I had to shout out how my addiction to separates has grown….

And my coat collection grew astronomically….

And the love for knitwear continues…

2019 was, however, a year with a lot more denim…..


And even a few jumpsuits and overalls…

Some statement items….

And my favourite for last….my very own shoe design! 


To look back at each post written about every outfit you see herewith, jump onto my Pinterest, where the My Style Board has links to each and every outfit!


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