FFG Eats: Lina Stores, King’s Cross

The year before I moved to London I worked and studied in Florence, Italy. I fell in love with the city, the people, the way of life, but more importantly…the food. For years after moving to the UK, I would take every chance I could get to return to Italian soil, to sit in the sun with a bowl of…
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A Decade in My Ralph Lauren Wardrobe

In March, I will be have spent four decades on this planet. Over those forty years, a lot has changed. My home, my weight, my boyfriends, my job… on and on we could go. But, there are a few constants in my world that I know will remain for another 40, if I’m lucky enough to have that long kicking…
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FFG Travels: Ultima Crans Montana, Switzerland

Nestled in the mountains of Switzerland, just a few hours from Geneva, there sits a pair of chalets, discretely tucked in behind a nondescript gate and partially hidden by rather strategically placed woodlands. What you’ll find at the top of the drive is anything but nondescript, however. Two large chalets, designed in traditional alpine style, await your arrival. From the…
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London Party Tips: Let someone else handle the canapés

As many of you already know, this was my first grown up Christmas in London. After 17 years of flying home to spend the holiday with my family, I was a little worried that the holidays would be more sorrow than joy, without so many people that I love around me. 2019 has been the year of training myself to…
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Let’s talk body image and curves for a second…

For years, I’ve had an ongoing discussion with myself about how I look. For a good 9/10ths of my life, I have believed that my size, my weight, the measurement of my waist, etc, etc defines who I am as a person. I grew up in a time period where that is what we were led to believe, told that…
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