What you see is not always what you get

Social media is a funny place these days. Every few months I like to take a second or two and call it out for what it is… a load of bullshit. Hey, I’m part of the bullshit hamster wheel. So yes, I’m calling it on myself too. Today was the perfect case in point. I woke up yesterday wanting to…
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Monday Musings…. Well, hello again…

Oh I have been the worst, haven’t I? I have completely neglected this space for a month now, trying to fit too much into life and finally realising I can’t do it all. The sad part of that is this: I love writing. I love it more than taking pictures, more than sharing silly little videos and more than any…
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The Big Jeans Try On!

Up there in the “top ten questions I get asked regularly” category we have “where do you find jeans that fit your properly?” I will be the first to tell you that I hate buying jeans. I hate it with a passion. The shopping around, the trying to figure out what will fit based on size eight models, the tug…
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Monday Musings: Watching, Reading, Eating and Shopping now….

Happy Monday, all! I’m home from Maine now and trying to get back into the swing of things with work as fast as I can. I’m not sure about you but the lack of routine in a day, for 14 days straight, throws me a little out of whack for a while. Coming back into the work week feels a…
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The Breakup Playlist Vol. 2: The Anger

As we move through the cycle of heartbreak, breaking up, whatever you want to call it, we reach step two in the grieving process. First there were tears with the launch of The Breakup Playlist Vol. 1: The Sadness. This next volume is all about ANGER. A reminder, if you please. This isn’t an official psychologist’s assessment of getting over…
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