Daily Boomer: This puppy’s too big for carrying

Our little puppy has a new nickname: Boomer Big Boy. He’s no puppy anymore. At six months exactly, Boomer celebrated the half-birthday with a weigh in of over fifty pounds. This puppy is one of the biggest six month year olds I’ve ever tried to cuddle.  So here’s how a day in the life of Boomer looks at the moment.…
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Daily Boomer: The World’s Softest Ears

I’ve run my hands over the world’s finest cashmere, the fullest mink and fleece so soft you feel you are running your hands over heaven. Yet never in all my days have I ever felt anything as soft as Mr. Boomer’s ears. As a puppy you come to expect that the ears are beautiful and soft as velvet. As your…
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Daily Boomer: My dog ate my designer goods

Today I spent more time than I’d like to admit to clearing out my home closet. It wasn’t easy and it certainly wasn’t made easier by the fact that I had a little golden fluff ball wanting to help me out at every turn. He’d offer to help carry a sweater or two out of the closet for me. By…
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The Daily Boomer: Sleeping Beauty

So Boomer’s now coming up on six months old and after not seeing him for nine weeks, he’s barely recognizable. The little guy isn’t so little anymore, for example. He was 30 pounds when I left him and now he’s pushing the scale at 50. Oh they do grow up so fast.  What I have noticed, however, is that the…
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Big Boy Boomer: The fashion pup is growing up fast

Touched down in the USA this afternoon and I’ve never been happier to see one little smiling face waiting for me at the front window to the house. Yes, folks, I’m home with Boomer for the holidays and I asked him to sit and pose for a photograph for his adoring fans and he gave me this most marvelous stance.…
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