Dog Friendly Travel: Palmetto Bluff Puppy Pampering complete with Southern Charm

While home in the great Southern States for the summer, I had the most handsome gentlemen by my side from dawn until dusk. With dusty blonde hair, wide shoulders and smiles for days, everyone in their path swooned as we passed through the doors of Palmetto Bluff on my first weekend back in the USA. No doubt about it –…
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Style Update: 7 days in Southern Style Part 2

Another week in South Carolina, another week of style solutions for the rather random weather, from cool sunsets on the beach to warm days on the dock and everything in between. Dresses have been my best friend so far this summer, but there are a few timeless trouser moments (as seen above) here and there. So sit back, scroll and…
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Style Update: Seven days of Southern Style

I’ve been told more times than I can count that my wardrobe tends to change somewhat whenever I step onto Southern soil again. The truth of the matter is, it does. Dressing in the South is different than dressing in London. Here at home, I’m back in a different life. The dress codes are changed, the activities in day to…
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Southern Settings: 7 Designer Tablescapes to love (and replicate)

A lot of you may be wondering what I’m doing home so quickly again after Christmas. While this was a bit of a jolly (as I’m trying to make those a regular thing… every two months if I can swing it), it was also for a good cause. This trip came with a greater good in the form of contributing…
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