Breaking News: Kate Middleton covers Vanity Fair September 2012

Kate Middleton graces the cover of Vanity Fair September 2012, the 7th annual style issue

Sadly, Kate did not sit for the cover picture. Instead, The Duchess of Cambridge is seen in her Alexander McQueen lavender gown attending the BAFTA Brits to Watch event in Los Angeles, California in July 2011.

So the big question is… when will we get an actual cover? One in which Kate sits in front of a camera expressly for THE magazine. While we love that Kate covers Vanity Fair this month, we’re eager to see her in action in front of the camera with a style crew, hair, makeup and Mario Testino! Our money’s still on Vogue for grabbing that cover but only time would tell. For now, looks like Vanity Fair has a winner for September. It’s got a guaranteed purchase from me!

Also, worth a look is the style evolution slideshow that Vanity Fair have out together honouring K-mid!

And one last thing, if you subscribe to Vanity Fair, you’re in for a real treat in the form of Jessica Chastain as your subscriber’s issue cover girl…


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