It’s all about Darth Vader for Autumn Winter 2014

Darth Vader Fashion

When both Preen and Rodarte set down designs featuring iconic images from one of the greatest movies of all time, the fashion world sat up and took notice. All of the sudden it was cool to wear fashion that supports Darth Vader. I’m pretty sure the kids wearing Star Wars tees in high school were the ones that were made fun of. Oh, how the tables have turned. Where are the bullies now – not wearing the coolest print of the season? It’s totally righteous to embrace the dark side, so let’s make it happen people. Here’s one of my favourite tops supporting the trend for the season. This Preen by Thronton Bregazzi Darth Vader top {£355} is a statement like none we’ve seen before. 

For those of you not wanting to buy into the trend, sneak into your old tee boxes and find a vintage Star Wars piece. It’ll do in a pinch! I’m headed home to sift through my three brothers’ hand-me-downs to see what I can see. Offski!


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