FFG’s Daily Fashion Blog Recommendation: a little fashion romance

A little fashion romance is a relatively new blog. In fact, she’s only been around since June 2010.  It’s a visual delight with fashion editorials taking you on a walk through time and reports on current fashion that give you a real insight into today’s trends. Watch this space as I think this blog will really blossom over the coming months as she finds her voice and footing in the blogosphere. 

Kerry, the blog’s editor, had this to say about her blog:

I am completely dedicated to my blog; I work on a post every day. It is my baby. I am following possibly a hundred blogs, I am in awe of their talents and this just inspires me more. I am happy with my blog, but I want to be better, I know in my heart that I am passionate and determined to work hard in order to achieve this. I will not simply get bored one day and stop writing. I am relatively new to this community but that doesn’t reduce my love for it. In fact, I look at blogs that began three years ago and kick myself for not discovering this world and the inner writer in me before.

Since beginning this blog I have found I am pushing myself to be more fashionably adventurous almost in an attempt to reaffirm my fashion credentials to my followers and further prove that I am agood blogger. I am my own worst critic.

My blog is entitled, “a little fashion romance” as this is what I have with fashiona romance. I fall in love with the new item in store, or on the catwalk and either admire from a distance or become exhilarated when wearing my new purchase. I love to create new outfits out of existing pieces and adapt new ways to wear various apparel and accessories.

I am a final year student and my dream is to be a fashion journalist. I didn’t start my blog to achieve this; it happened innocently, simply a project for me to work on. Now it has evolved into something much more. Once again, I have found my calling in life. I actually rush home to begin my new post that has been circling my head all day.

If you’d like to see your blog featured please click here to read all the nitty gritty details.


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