1.Terry Cloth Fashion…it’s not just for the pool, people!
I can’t remember where I saw this brand first. It’s been worn by a lot of influencers and celebs, so apologies if I’m not able to pinpoint. But, I can tell you that each time I see someone on social wearing these terry cloth shirts, I swoon a little. On Saturday, I finally gave in and ordered one for myself. I couldn’t sit by anymore and watch others enjoy and not get in on the party. I went flamingo… pink terry cloth flamingo. And you can bet I’m going to wear this to death, poolside or not! London… are you ready for Tombolo?
2. Natural Deodorant that smells like marzipan…
This is where I have to admit that I had a bad run in with natural deodorant two years ago. In fact, hilariously, one of my best friends was visiting me at the time of the “bad run.” I shouted from the bathroom, “I have this damn funky L shaped rash in my arm pit from a new deodorant and it’s starting to really hurt.” Said friend rushed into the bathroom, lifted my arm and then lifted hers to reveal the same exact rash! We were both using the same deodorant and both had matching rashes. Gross, but relevant. I swore off natural deodorants. Clearly not for me. Then, this one arrived in the mail from Drunk Elephant. I short of shook my head, annoyed I couldn’t use it, and then took one whiff of the scent and thought I’d chance it. I haven’t looked back. It smells of sweet marzipan and works a treat. I have never liked deodorant. I have always felt the scents were unpleasant and overwhelming, while the product never lived up to the hype. This is not that deodorant. This is THE deodorant. I can honestly say I don’t think I’ll go back to using anything else. The Drunk Elephant Sweet Pitti Deodorant Cream is infused with moisturising plant oils and shea butter, combines mandelic arid and absorbent arrowroot, and has a pH level of 4.0. Basically, read that to mean it will not only absolutely murder any bad odours, it will also calm and moisture your armpits. I don’t think my pits have ever been more summer ready!
3. THE BAG… looks like Gucci, no? (and it’s on sale)
Full disclosure: I don’t have this in my hands yet, but ordered it as soon as I saw that it was on sale and had it sent to my American address. This floral wicker bamboo handle bag is the bag of dreams. Ok, maybe it was the bag of my Gucci dreams (tell me this isn’t a knock off of sorts). But, it’s from a preppy retailer I adore and order from often, so that’s ok right? It was $199, has come down to $129 and is now an additional 30% off that price. What are you waiting for? Go, go, go! The sale right now is too good to miss.
4. The dresses this season from this designer are making me choose between a fridge or fashion!
Ok, so this stuff isn’t on sale, and I’m sitting her wondering if I can put off a new fridge for a few months and invest in these dresses first! This one, the one you see above, is a Tory Burch must buy. But, how can I justify it?! This shopping addiction is real, people, and it’s getting the better of me. I now have to go and explain why we are living with an old fridge until Christmas. Wish me luck.
5. A famous makeup artist with Parkinson’s creates an easier way to apply makeup, for all.
I was flipping through an American magazine last week, and came across a mention of Terri Bryant, a rather talented and famous makeup artist. A few years ago, Terri Bryant was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and things that were normal to her, with makeup application, proved to be challenging. She stated that, for years, her clients would complain that makeup was so tough to get right. So Terri took action and developed GUIDE Makeup. This is a makeup brand that “puts an end to uneven eyeliner, mascara slip-ups, and blotchy brows.” Again, I’ve ordered some, but stuff like this I like to talk about immediately. I know so many people that have Parkinson’s that will find this life changing. I also include myself in the category of women that can’t put makeup on without many frustrating moments. So I truly can’t wait to try this. I think it really will be a game changer. I can’t encourage you enough to check it out. For ease of understanding exactly what Terri has developed, I’ll share their intro video: