The 10 Marks & Spencer foods I crave when I’m abroad

I get asked a lot about the things I miss most when I’m outside the UK and I find myself giving the same answer a lot these days. Apart from my friends, the culture, the amazing opportunities and all that jazz… there is one thing I miss massively that’s 100% naughty, self indulgent, and also mildly ridiculous. But hey, I…
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Wearing Wedgewood on your ring finger…

Just before Christmas I popped into Liberty in London to see if I could pick up some last minute gifts for the family before heading home for the holidays. As is always the case when I pop into Liberty with the best of intentions of shopping for other people, I ended up shopping for myself. Bad. I’m bad! Maybe not…
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London Restaurant Review: Carmel, Queen’s Park

I’m going to send you on a bit of a detour from the normal London tourist areas for today’s London restaurant review and throw you into one of the most charming neighbourhoods in the big city. Today we’re headed to Queen’s Park, a beautiful residential neighbourhood that packs a powerful punch when it comes to the restaurant scene. Neighbours would…
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Anya Hindmarch opens an old “offie” with a dry twist

If you’re walking through the Anya Hindmarch village on Pont Street this January you might see something that feels incredibly familiar and wonderfully nostalgic. Anya’s corner shop has been transformed into an old “offie,” but with something missing. Paying homage to the popular trend of ‘dry january,’ the space is an off license selling alcohol free products. That’s right. If…
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Christmas at Ralph Lauren’s London Flagship Store New Bond Street

This year so many of us are unable to travel to London, so I thought I’d bring London to you, as often as I can. As of today, the city has been thrown into a Tier 3 lockdown, and is therefore closed to those living outside of the Big Smoke. But, two days before the gates to the city came…
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